We would love to hear from you about your recent transaction.

We would appreciate a moment of your time to provide feedback on your recent experience. This helps us improve our services to you so that next time it will be even better.

Based on your most recent experience, how likely are you to recommend Tile Power / Carpet One Forster & Taree?

Or, you can tell the store that helped you, how awesome they are :) Remember to include the name of the staff member so we know who to give thanks too.

Thank you for taking the time to share your feedback.

Kind regards

Kepler Hooper
Managing Director
Tile Power / Carpet One Forster & Taree

Your e-mail address was provided to Tile Power / Carpet One Forster & Taree at time of purchase. This email is personalised for you and to protect your privacy, we recommend that you do not forward this email.

This email was sent by Tile Power / Carpet One Forster & Taree, (95 Boundary Street, Forster | 32 Muldoon Street, Taree). If you have any concerns, or don't think you should have received this email, please call us on (02) 6554 7033. Visit kitiles.com.au for further information on our online security.